1000 swims.




 WE (usually) SWIM EVERY

We believe that something amazing happens when you jump in the sea to start your day.

It’s good for you physiologically, mentally and spiritually and we would super recommend you trying it out with us!
Also a great way to make new pals!

Follow the journey: Summit_good
Always make sure to read our Swim Safety Statement below before joining.



Swim Safety


Swim responsibility statement

The Summit Good community are not able to assume legal responsibility to its members or others. While we are always keen to share our passion for outdoor sea dipping, all dippers must be solely responsible for making their assessment as to the risks involved in any particular dip. Summit Good has no control or influence over those who arrange “social dips”, or the locations written about or featured in the group or social media. The decision to participate in any dip must, therefore, be taken individually, and swimmers must not rely (in whole or in part) on views or information provided by Summit Good and its members. If you are in any doubt about the safety of a sea dip or your ability to complete it, you should not take part. Sea dipping heightens the risk of severe injury or harm. The dangers of sea dipping include (but are not limited to) hypothermia, drowning, sickness from polluted water, and injury from wildlife, other swimmers or debris in the water. The ‘safety’ of locations varies with the weather, the abilities and knowledge of the dipper and time. Rainfall can dramatically change the safety profile of a dipping spot. Each individual needs to be responsible for keeping themselves safe, warm and informed of water safety.
